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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)

Allowing & Blocking

About Allowing & Blocking
Email addresses, domains and IPs (MSP level) can be allowed and blocked by being added to your Allow & Block List. It's important to understa...
Step 4: Global Allow & Block List
An MSP admin can globally allow or block email addresses, domains or IPs by adding them to your global Allow & Block List. About Allowing &a...
Domain Allow & Block List
You can allow or block email addresses for a domain by adding them to your domain Allow & Block List. Check the breadcrumb to ensure you are at the ...
Adding an Allowed or Blocked Domain
Go to Filtering > Allow & Block List and follow the video or steps below to add an allowed or blocked domain: Select the Domains tab....
Adding an Allowed or Blocked Email
Go to Filtering > Allow & Block List and follow the video or steps below to add an allowed or blocked email: Select the Emails tab. ...
Adding an Allowed or Blocked IP
Go to Filtering > Allow & Block List and follow the steps below to add an allowed or blocked IP. Caution Allowed IPs can bypass settings put ...