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SpamTitan(8.00 or lower)
SpamTitan Help Center
Knowledge Base
Product Info
Understanding the Marketing Email Classification Toggle
The Marketing Email Classification toggle is designed to enhance email secu...
Sandboxing in SpamTitan
Sandboxing allows for the detection and isolation of files suspected of c...
Editing a User Policy
Follow the steps below to edit a user policy. User Policies are avail...
Adding a User Policy
SpamTitan uses policies to decide how mail is treated. Policies can be ap...
MSP Overview
The Overview page gives you a summary view of activity for all your custome...
MSP Setup
Welcome to SpamTitan! An MSP Admin can follow the steps below to complet...
Customer Setup
Welcome to SpamTitan! A Customer Admin can follow the steps below to sta...
Security Settings
Go to the profile menu and select Security to manage account security ...
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