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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)

Customer Setup: Skellig

Customer Setup
Welcome to SpamTitan! A Customer Admin can follow the steps below to start filtering email. Log into SpamTitan. Update your Security Setti...
Step 1: Log in to SpamTitan
As part of your setup, an email was sent to the supplied email address with information to get started, including credentials for your Customer Admin...
Step 2: Update your Security Settings
After signing in for the first time, change your password and enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for your account. See Changing your Passw...
Step 3: Add your Domain(s)
For SpamTitan to accept email for a domain and filter it, that domain must first be added to SpamTitan. Watch this video or follow these steps to add...
Step 4: Test Connectivity to your Mail Server
Once a domain has been added, follow this video or the steps below to test that your mail server accepts email from SpamTitan. Go to Ov...
Step 5: Editing A Domain Policy
When a new domain is added, a default policy is created for that domain in Policies > Domain Policies. Follow the steps below to view and edit a d...
Step 6: Change your MX Records
Any domain that uses email has an MX record, which lists the mail servers available to accept mail for that domain. You must update the MX records of...
Step 7: Lock Down Your Mail Server
Following best security practices, you should lock down your email server to only accept email from SpamTitan. Leaving it open to accept email from o...
Locking Down Your Office 365 Mail Server
Note The instructions below include information about tools that are not owned or managed by TitanHQ and are only intended as a guideline to help...
Changing MX Records on Common Mail Services
Note The instructions below are for tools that are not owned or managed by TitanHQ and are only intended as a guideline to help you. As such, t...