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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)

Settings: SpamTitan Cloud (SaaS)

Use the Settings tab in SpamTitan Cloud (SaaS) to edit the settings described here.

Changing your SpamTitan Password
To change the password for the logged-in user, go to Settings > User Management > Change Password. Enter the current password in the Old Pa...
Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an additional layer of security used to protect your SpamTitan account from unauthorized access. If 2FA is enabled, ...
Web Authentication Settings
The Domain Group Administrator can go to Settings > Access/Authentication to set the authentication method for each domain. Support for external a...
Test Authentication Settings
Use Test Authentication in Settings > Access/Authentication to ensure that your authentication settings are correct. Enter the Email Address and Pas...
Mail Relay Settings
Go to Settings > Mail Relay to add, edit, delete or verify the domains your organization accepts mail from. SpamTitan Cloud will only accept email f...
Forgot your password?
Follow these steps to reset your password: Go to the log-in page and click theĀ Forgot your Password? link. The Password Assistance window displays. ...