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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)


Mail flow delayed on us1-smtp-ui.titanhq.com
Dear customers, We are currently experiencing some temporary delays on cloud us1-smtp-ui.titanhq.com - We are actively working to restore mail flow to norm...
Office365 Deferring Messages with "451 4.7.500 Server busy." on us1-smtp-ui.titanhq.com -- July 24
Priority: 1 Affected Service: Customers using us1-smtp-ui.titanhq.com on the SpamTitan Cluster,  this started on July 24th, around 6AM GMT / 2PM ET US...
Quarantine Report delay on https://us2-smtp-ui.titanhq.com
Dear customers, We are currently experiencing a delay on quarantine reports on our US2 cloud, please note no other clouds are affected. Our developers and...
Maintenance Window
May 10th - May 12th 2024, beginning at 18:00  GMT, ArcTitan will be performing maintenance to all ArcTitan environments. This work will occur during our s...
Recent email notification regarding Microsoft Safe Links
Applies to Spamtitan versions 8 and 9 only. You will have received a notification email from us regarding Microsoft Safe Links detonation in quarantine ...
Mail Delays with: https://us1-smtp-api.titanhq.com
We are currently experiencing mail flow backlog on the SpamTitan Cluster associated with https://us1-smtp-api.titanhq.com for a while now.  The mail delay h...
Spamtitan US2 - listed on Spamhaus
Summary Emails are being deferred with the message "550 5.7.1 Service unavailable, Client host [] blocked using Spamhaus."  for cust...
Notification: UI Performance Issues on SpamTitan Skellig
We are currently experiencing performance issues with the user interface (UI) on SpamTitan Skellig (V9), affecting the Quarantine and History sections manif...
Office 365 Deferring Messages with "451 4.7.500 Server busy." on us2-smtp-ui SpamTitan Cluster
SaaS Priority 1 Office365 tenants are deferring messages with the SMTP Response "451 4.7.500 Server busy."  for customers u...
Slow DNS on US SpamTitan
We are currently experiencing slow DNS resolution on our SpamTitan servers, which we are actively investigating. We believe we have identified the root caus...