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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)


O365 IP Throttling (Rate Limit) & SpamTitan
What is the issue? Email is not delivering to Office 365, resulting in this server response: 451 5.7.(500-699) Server Busy. Please try again later. ...
Sender Address Rejected: Domain Not Found
What is the issue? Some inbound email is being rejected with an SMTP response similar to the following: Mar 1 13:38:21 spamtitan postfix/smtpd[6737...
Server Stuck in Boot Loop or Not Booting
What is the issue? A SpamTitan server is stuck on a boot loop. What causes the issue? This usually occurs after a hard shutdown or power outage w...
X-Amavis-Alert: BANNED, Message Contains .exe,.exe-ms,0000.dat
What does this solution describe? This message is generated by SpamTitan for an email containing a file with a .dat extension. A file with a .dat f...
SpamHaus RBL Blocking all Email
What is the issue? SpamHaus RBL is blocking all email if using an open resolver. For example, Google's public DNS, Cloudflare, an...
Are Users Names being Spoofed?
What is the issue? Spoofing. What causes the issue? The first and last names of people in your organization are often public and readily availa...
SpamTitan Update and Upgrade Instructions (re: ClamAV Vulnerability)
How do I check my OS and SpamTitan version?    OS:  Your OS is listed in the System Overview section of the SpamTitan dashboard.        Version:  Yo...
SASL authentication failing -- try putting parentheses around the query filter
Problem / Solution If SASL Authentication fails, but you are sure the LDAP User DN, LDAP Password etc. are correct,  try putting the LDAP Query Filter in ...
451 Server Busy
SaaS DCI / Gateway Description It appears that microsoft is applying rate limits to SpamTitan currently. If your mail is being deferre...
TitanHQ Security – Improving Security in Self-Hosted SpamTitan Systems
This guide aims to help you provide security for your self-hosted SpamTitan system equivalent to that provided to systems hosted by TitanHQ.   What differ...