The SpamTitan interface is currently unavailable. Please contact our support team for assistance.

UPDATE 21:46 GMT+1 Saturday 17th August:

Thank you for your patience and apologies for the delay in providing this update. Our teams are working on the ongoing SpamTitan interface problem. Our team are confident they will have the UI back in place by 11am Sunday GMT+1.

In the meantime, please rest assured all core mail processing functionality continues to flow as normal.

UPDATE 12:04 GMT+1 Sunday 18th August:


We can confirm that all SpamTitan interfaces are coming back online, this is being done via a hotfix pushed out by development. This is a rolling hotfix, if your interface is not accessible yet it will be within the hour. 


We also want to reassure you that there was no interruption to mail processing during this time.

We apologize for the interruption in service and will provide further updates on the matter in due course.

We sincerely thank you for your patience and co-operation. 

As part of the enablement of the UI we require you to be aware of the following steps.  

  • Quarantine reports – Links in prior reports will not be actionable, all future reports will work as normal. Any required mail in previous reports can be released via the UI.   
  • OAuth tokens – If using the SpamTitan API please replace existing OAuth token with new token.  
  • SpamTitan Outlook Add-in – We have temporarily disabled the SpamTitan Outlook Add-in functionality  


Next update on or before 16:30 GMT+1, please note this is only relevant to SpamTitan servers running V8 and below 

UPDATE 15:35 GMT+1 Sunday 18th August:

We can confirm that SpamTitan User interface access has been fully restored. We appreciate your patience and co-operation during this time