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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)

Quarantine (DCI)

Find information here on configuring and managing quarantine in SpamTitan Gateway or SpamTitan Private Cloud (DCI)

Go to Quarantine > Manage Quarantine to view, filter and manage all emails for all recipients that are in quarantine. When evaluating email for spam,...
Managing Quarantine Email
Go to Quarantine > Manage Quarantine. Use Search Filters and Display Settings to manage the list of emails in quarantine (see Filtering Quarantine). ...
Filtering Quarantine
To filter email in quarantine, go to Quarantine > Manage Quarantine > Search Filters tab. The following window displays: To filter the quarantin...
Quarantine Report Settings
Go to Quarantine > Settings > Quarantine Report Settings > General to configure settings for user's quarantine reports and customize the rep...
Advanced Quarantine Report Settings
Go to Quarantine > Settings > Quarantine Report Settings > Advanced to configure additional quarantine report settings. Advanced settings allow...
Quarantine Maintenance Settings
Any email that is stored in quarantine and not released or deleted must eventually be purged to free up disk space. Go to Quarantine > Settings > Q...
Alias unification allows users to see all their quarantined messages for all their alias email accounts when they receive a quarantine report, or when th...