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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)

Getting Started: SpamTitan Private Cloud (DCI)

Your SpamTitan Private Cloud is configured for optimal spam catch rates for you, however, your settings may still require tweaking due to the nature of mail flow and your particular requirements. Follow the best practice steps in Getting Started.

Getting Started with SpamTitan Private Cloud
Once your SpamTitan Private Cloud is configured, you will receive an email with the following information from your account manager: The IP for y...
SpamTitan and Office 365 IP Throttling (Rate Limits)
If you use Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and have a third party service in front of Office 365, rate limits may be applied to your SpamTitan IP addr...
Ensuring Your Email is Not Marked as Spam in Office 365
Note The instructions below include information about tools that are not owned or managed by TitanHQ and are only intended as a guideline to help y...
Locking Down Your Office 365 Mail Server
Note The instructions below include information about tools that are not owned or managed by TitanHQ and are only intended as a guideline to help y...