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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)

Link Lock

Link Lock provides protection against phishing, business email compromise and zero-day attacks by removing the possibility of a user clicking on a malicious link in an email. Link Lock is an enhancement to SpamTitan and is available after the purchase of a SpamTitan Plus license.

Link Lock
Link Lock provides protection against phishing, business email compromise, and zero day attacks by removing the possibility of a user clicking on a mal...
Enabling Link Lock in SpamTitan
Link Lock is an enhancement to SpamTitan and is available after the purchase of a SpamTitan Plus license. Once a license is in place, Link Lock must be...
Enable Link Lock for a Domain
Link Lock is an enhancement to SpamTitan and is available after the purchase of a SpamTitan Plus license. Once a license is in place, Link Lock must be...
Enable Link Lock for a User
Link Lock is an enhancement to SpamTitan and is available after the purchase of a SpamTitan Plus license. Once a license is in place, Link Lock must be...
Link Lock Allowed URLs
You can exclude URLs from Link Lock by adding them to an allowed URLs list. This can be done at the global, domain and user levels. Allowed URLs adde...
Domain Allowed URLs
You can exclude URLs from Link Lock by adding them to an allowed URLs list. This can be done at the global, domain and user levels. Follow the steps ...
User Allowed URLs
You can exclude URLs from Link Lock by adding them to an allowed URLs list. This can be done at the global, domain and user levels. Follow the steps ...
Comcast "SecurityEdge" causes linklock.titanhq.com Access Denied / 403 error
Problem:  If you are getting a "Access to linklock.titanhq.com was denied" or similar error when trying to click on Link Lock links, it may be rel...