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SpamTitan(Skellig 9.00+

SpamTitan(8.00 or Earlier)


SpamTitan Cloud
SpamTitan Cloud Guide
SpamTitan Gateway Admin Guide
This guide will help a network admin get up and running with SpamTitan Gateway. See SpamTitan Gateway Admin Guide.
Getting Started with SpamTitan Private Cloud
If you are a SpamTitan Private Cloud customer, take a look at Getting Started with SpamTitan Private Cloud. Once setup, the SpamTitan Gateway Admin Guide al...
SpamTitan API Docs
SpamTitan can be managed remotely using the SpamTitan API set. SpamTitan APIs are a set of scripts that can be used to perform tasks from within your own en...
Prevent Google Mail from Applying SPF/DMARC rules using Inbound Gateway
Description To prevent Google from evaluating SPF/DMARC rules on mail that goes through SpamTitan first (causing it to treat it like Spam), and the SpamTit...